
1. Tech requirement

The tech needed for summoning this unit

2. Range

Melee units: Could only attack at the first row

Long-range units: Could only attack at the second row

3. Mana Cost

The amount of Mana needed to play this Unit from your hand.

4. Class

Class shows the race of the card

5. Effect

The effect of this card, there are four effect types of TLT

Trigger effect: When conditions met, the effect will be triggered automatically, no actions needed for player.

Continuous effect: Always effective as long as the unit remains on the battlefield, no actions needed for player.

Halo effect: Always effective as long as the unit remains on the battlefield, no actions needed for player.

Switch on effect: Players need to actively trigger the effect of the card

6. Health

This is how much damage the Unit can sustain before being defeated and sent to the discard pile. Damage dealt to Units is permanent. For example, if a 3-health Unit takes 2 damage, it will only have 1 health remaining until it leaves play or is healed.

7. Attack

The Unit’s attack power. This is how much damage it will deal when attacking/attacked by other Units and/or the rival’s Hero.

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